Saturday, December 15, 2012

Merit Badge 4 Dummies

Hello All
As you all know, in Boy Scouts we do merit badges, these are basically skills that you can learn and/or develop. Some of these Merit Badges are required for the rank of Eagle, and some are just for fun.
To get the rank of Eagle you need a total of earn a total of 21 Merit Badges. A few of these Merit Badges are required but the rest are up to you.
To do these merit Badges you need a few things. First a Counselor (found at your nearest Boy Scout Troop) these counselors have to be approved by the Far East counsel so they can't be your parents. Second you need the Merit Badge Work Sheet. There are a number of sites on the internet that provide them, but the two most reliable are and Third you need a blue card. This is a "certificate" of sorts that you and your counselor have to fill in.
To start the Merit badge process you need to go to the counselor of that merit badge with your blue card and Work Sheet. You then discuss what you will do and then you go do it. There is some practical and come theoretical involved. Once done you go back and discuss it with your counselor again.

And VOILA, your done. Now go and have fun getting those Merit Badges.

This is the blue card that has to be filled in:


This is an example of a Worksheet you will need to fill in:

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